With a lab directly across the hall, turnaround time for restorative dental prosthetics in Dr. Malki's New Jersey office is half that of most dentists. Accuracy is also increased, as lab technicians simply cross the hall to help pick shades and match colors. The process is efficient and cost effective for Dr. Malki's patients.
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Dr. Malki: One of the advantages of this practice is that we have a dental
laboratory right across the hall. The advantage to this is the
turnaround time to have the teeth fabricated is much, much less.
In the past, or in other offices, the case or the impression
taken has to be sent by mail to the laboratory. Here, we just
walk right across the hall and we drop off the case to the
laboratory. Again, the turnaround time is literally cut in half.
In addition to that, when we're dealing with the front teeth and
we have to pick a shade or try to match existing colors, we
don't have to guess anymore. We just walk across the hall and
have the lab technician, the actual person who's going to make
the teeth, come in and choose the color.
Announcer: In Bergen County, call Malki Dental at (201) 646-0800.
Beautiful smiles that last a lifetime.