Malki Dental

Sinus Lift Costs Depend on Your Unique Needs and Surgical Plan

May 27, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Stephen Malki
Tagged with: Sinus Lift Dental Implants

Before you can receive dental implants, you may require a sinus lift, especially if tooth loss has caused your jawbone to recede. Because this procedure is separate from implant surgery, it will involve additional costs. However, at Malki Dental, we work hard to keep prices affordable while still providing you with safe, state-of-the-art care.

Because we consistently offer highly personalized restorative dentistry, there is no standard cost for any of our oral surgeries. However, Dr. Malki will explain the various factors that can affect sinus lift cost at our River Edge, NJ, practice. He will also outline the many benefits of this treatment and how it could actually save you money in the future.

What Is a Sinus Lift?

A sinus lift is designed to combat bone degeneration and restore your candidacy for dental implants. If you have lost bone tissue on your upper jaw, there may not be enough room for implant posts without damaging your sensitive sinus membrane.

During a sinus lift, Dr. Malki will raise the membrane and build up your jaw using one of several materials. He will place the bone graft through incisions in your gums, then use small screw-like posts to keep it in place. In turn, the new tissues will keep your sinus membrane in its new, lifted position. Once you have healed from this surgery, you can safely undergo implant placement.

Personalized Care Means Varying Sinus Lift Costs

Your surgery will be fully customized to meet your health needs and personal preferences. Accordingly, there are several factors to consider when calculating the cost of treatment.

A Sinus Lift Can Be an Important Investment in Your Long-term Health

When evaluating the cost of a sinus lift, remember that the treatment can have tremendous and lifelong benefits. Without this preparatory surgery, you might not be able to receive implants safely. Instead, you would need a traditional crown, bridge, or denture. While these standard restorations would repair your smile, they would not be as stable or realistic as dental implants.

Even more importantly, they would not play the same role in protecting your jaw health. By stimulating new tissue growth, dental implants can stop jaw recession. Thus, a sinus lift will lay the groundwork for a functional smile, as well as healthy facial contours.

Contact Us to Learn More

Contact us today for a treatment evaluation. After considering your health and planning your surgery, we will provide an accurate estimate of your costs.